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Welcome to the online learning portal for LSI Education / Lockmasters Security Institute.

LSI POLICY- In order to be enrolled in any of our online courses, you must be:
18 years of age
A US citizen
Have No felony convictions

Payment is required for all courses. You can pay for a course through PayPal if it is available on that course page. If you don't see a PayPal button, please call LSI to enroll in an LSIeCourse. When you pay for a course through PayPal, you will be sent an email within 24 business hours with login information. If you wish to be notified via phone, please write instructions in the comments box at checkout.

Before paying for an LSIeCourse, Please read the "LSIeCourse Refund Policy".

For more information, in-facility training schedules and online course release dates, Please call 866-574-8724 or email:

For questions or problems with the site, billing or other needs, please call or email

LSI Education Business Hours: 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday - Friday EST.

Available Courses

  • Every three years you are required by the General Services Administration to re-certify as a GSA Inspector. Regardless of where the initial certification was received the re-certification can be obtained from any approved school.

    On Re-certification is easy. You are able to re-certify 6 months prior to your expiration date to 90 days following the expiration date. The re-certification cost is $550.

    Simply call 1-866-574-8724 and request GSA Re-certification update materials. You will receive, in the mail, a CD-ROM with the most up to date GSA manual and supporting documents. Please note, the exam is open book/PDF.

    Upon successfully passing the exam and receiving payment, you will receive a new certification card good for another three years.

    If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact LSI at 1-866-574-8724.

    Please Note: once you are logged in with your username and password, there is a ten (10) day window to take the exam.

    Once you are logged in to the exam, you cannot save and exit the exam. You must complete it during the session.

    If you experience technical difficulty during the exam please email or call 1-866-574-8724 during business hours 8am-5pm M-F EST.
  • CSST
    This work-at-your-own-pace program is designed to provide the student with an in-depth knowledge of physical security procedures and equipment. The program includes conceptual security considerations, vulnerability assessments, and familiarization with hardware and procedures. Subject matter also includes physical security and crime prevention theory, risk assessment, US terrorism, bomb threat management, security design, perimeter protection, intrusion detection systems, access control, security lighting, locks and locking devices, closed circuit television (CCTV), controlling workplace violence, contingency planning and the security survey process. The course consists of 16 Lesson Modules with accompanying PDF materials and a final exam.

    Please complete the
    Short Enrollment Application and fax to 1.859.887.0810 prior to completion of the course, in order to receive your graduation certificate.
  • This is a demonstration eCourse designed to help you determine if your computer and internet connection will provide a good experience with the LSI eCourse's. It will make suggestions regarding your monitor resolution, your video & sound compatibility, and it will give you the opportunity to check your printing capability. During the course you will see some video, hear some audio, be asked to fill in a form and then print it, and finally you will be asked to take a short quiz (it's easy) to see if it scores properly and posts the results to the host Learning Management System properly. This demonstration should take you about 15 minutes to complete.

    Internet Connection
    To enjoy a good experience with this eCourse it is critical that you utilize a high speed broadband internet connection. We make extensive use of high quality video to demonstrate important points. Video needs more bandwidth that is offered by dial up internet. If you are able to go online and view YouTube videos without a lot of stopping and starting then your connection is probably good enough. If you have dial-up, there are companies that will rent you a broadband WiFi adaptor that operate on either the Sprint or Verizon 3G network.You can rent them by the day, week or month for as long as it takes you to complete the course. Google "weekly rental wifi" to find vendors.
  • GSA Final Exams for certification, consists of 4 test modules. You must pass the GSA Pre-Assessment in order to take these tests. For more information Please call LSI at 866.574.8724
  • This course is temporarily unavailable to new students.

    Domestic shipping is included in tuition.
    International shipping will be an additional charge depending on location.
    Rush shipping will be invoiced at actual cost.
    Upon completion of the class you will receive a diploma of completion and an id card.

    Course Description:
    This course is for technicians interested in learning the fundamentals of mechanical safe locks. In this course you will learn hands-on how to operate, service, adjust, and troubleshoot UL Group I and Group II combination locks. You will learn how to change the combination on mesh wheel, hole change, screw change and key change locks. You will also be introduced to the fundamentals of combination lock manipulation. The course also provides extensive documentation on combination locks which are no longer manufactured, yet still exist in the field in older commercial, bank, and residential safes. You will get the critical information needed to change the combinations and service these popular, but obsolete locks. (Due to the limited availability, hands on with these obsolete locks is only available with our residence course at the LSI Education Center in Kentucky.) More importantly, you will learn the fundamental principles of how combination locks work, and be exposed to several different designs. With this foundation you will be able to confidently approach any combination lock and service it in a professional manner. This eCourse is presented in written and verbal form using easy to follow explanations, diagrams, high quality photography, “step-by-step” videos, reading assignments, and practical hands on exercises. Along the way quizzes help to determine your progress for your instructor.

    Internet Connection
    To enjoy a good experience with this eCourse it is strongly recommended that you utilize a high speed broadband internet connection. We make extensive use of high quality video to demonstrate important points. Video needs more bandwidth that is offered by dial up internet. If you are able to go online and view YouTube videos with a lot of stopping and starting then your connection is probably good enough. If you have dial-up, there are companies that will rent you a broadband WiFi adaptor that operate on either the Sprint or Verizon 3G network.You can rent them by the day, week or month for as long as it takes you to complete the course. Search "weekly rental wifi" to find vendors.